
As of  12/31/2024

US Orders
$5.99 USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail shipping on all orders (2-3 days)

International Orders
International shipping starts at $35.00

Shipping Time - Most orders will ship the next business day, provided the product ordered is in stock.

Orders placed by 2pm Eastern Time typically ship out the same day.

Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturday or Sunday.

Most shipments are sent out via USPS Priority Mail.

In the USA most of the time we use USPS 2-3 day shipping so you will get your product quick once it has been shipped. On some orders we will use UPS or FedEx but 99% go out USPS.

Once shipment has been made a tracking number will be loaded to the order and will be forwarded to the customer. Please give us 1 business day from the time of your order to get the tracking number loaded to the order.

We cannot guarantee when an order will arrive. Consider any shipping or transit time offered to you by this site or other parties only as an estimate. We encourage you to order in a timely fashion to avoid delays caused by shipping or product availability.

Note for International Orders: Phone numbers are required on all International orders. As stated above shipping is NOT a profit center for us but shipping for international orders is hard to determine until we actually ship the product and it is picked up. Once the item is picked up and shipped, if we see that the shipping prices we charge end of being more than the actual charge, we will refund you that difference.

Any VAT or Customs fees need to be paid by the person receiving the package in their country. We don't collect any VAT or Custom fees on our end during the order process

We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products and there are some international destinations we can not ship to. In general, international orders take @ 2 weeks to get to their destination. Why? With forms that have to be filled out, customs clearance, etc, it's just a longer process. I wish we could make it quicker but it's just the way it us.  ALL international orders need an email address and a phone number associated with the order.

Please be aware that in most countries packages get to the destination without any problems; however, we cannot be held responsible if a country Customs Department decides to delay or seize a package.

For International Orders Shipping & Handling prices are based on the value of the order and the country you are in. Shipping is NOT a profit center for our store so we are always trying to ship at the most affordable prices. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Thanks, Ken Lyons